Stained glass window at Shirley House

Here is a problem, the tonal range of this stained glass window in Shirley House is too wide to photograph, here is a bracketed series of pictures of the window:

Dscn4866 Small Dscn4867 Small Dscn4868 Small Dscn4869 Small Dscn4870 Small Dscn4871 Small Dscn4872 Small Dscn4873 Small Dscn4874 Small Dscn4875 Small Dscn4876 Small Dscn4877 Small

Photos corrected for chromatic aberration with fulla, aligned with hugin, merged with pfscalibration and displayed with simple logarithmic tone mapping.

Logarithmic 800

Document Links

GUI front-end for panorama tools, autopano-sift and enblend
PFScalibration :: photometric calibration of HDR and LDR cameras
This document was last modified on 2006-05-26 11:29:46.
Bruno Postle