Kayam Theatre Tent

varying from 50m (164 ft) to 125m (410 ft), the Kayam series of mobile structures are blue in colour.

This page is very old, there are many better pictures of a twenty-pole Kayam concert tent in the photos section.

Kayam Exterior Glastonbury

The Kayam is operated by Kayam Tents: http://www.kayam.com/

Kayam Exterior Castle

I have a VRML model of the Kayam structure

Kayam Interior Seats

Document Links

VRML model of the Kayam
An ancient 3d model you can spin around
Twenty-pole Kayam concert tent
Pictures of the Kayam from the Gatecrasher summer sound system 2001
Photos section
Some random collections of photographs, some of them interesting
This document was last modified on 2005-12-20 12:28:26.
Bruno Postle