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Abu Dhabi

Dsc 0120 Dsc 0123 Sharp Sgraphic Dsc 0128 Dsc 0131 Sharp Sgraphic Dsc 0132 Dsc 0135 Sharp Sgraphic Dsc 0136 Dsc 0139 Sharp Sgraphic Dsc 0158 Dsc 0161 Sharp Sgraphic


James Duff 2007-05-19 20:26:44

I think this is a fantastic effect and you've done a great job!!!. I'm really interested in printing some of my QTVR's with this method. Would it be possible for you to let me know how you created this?

Many thanks

James Duff mrduff at gmail dot com

Bruno Postle 2007-05-20 21:47:05

Basically these are in stereographic projection. I create them with hugin, though you can also use a photoshop plugin called flexify, some tutorial links:

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This document was last modified on 2007-05-20 21:48:01.
Bruno Postle