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2000-03-05 The Slingshots at the New Barrack Tavern

The Slingshots at the New Barrack Tavern, Hillsborough Sheffield.

2000-04-29 May day Festival 1

The 2000 May Day festival and parade in Sheffield, various photos page one.

2000-04-29 May day Festival 2

The 2000 May Day festival and parade in Sheffield, various photos page two.

2000-04-29 May day Festival 3

The 2000 May Day festival and parade in Sheffield, various photos page three.

Tensile1 Photos

Tensile1 ‘The worlds biggest mobile tent’ was used here in Sheffield for Gatecrasher's New Years Eve millenium party. I took pictures every day as the structure went-up, during and after the event.

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This document was last modified on 2011-02-27 22:33:54.
Bruno Postle