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You are here : Neat Stuff / Older stuff... / 2002 / Birthdays / 2000-04-01 Alex's Birthday
1999-01-08 Seb's Birthday
1999-06-14 Lulu's Birthday
1999-10-16 Jenny's Birthday
1999-11-24 Robyn's Birthday
1999-12-22 Present Party
2000-01-07 Seb's Birthday
2000-01-29 Colin's Birthday
2000-01-30 Sam's Birthday
2000-02-02 Chris' Birthday
2000-04-01 Alex's Birthday
2000-04-02 Nic's Birthday
2000-04-06 Steve's Birthday
2000-04-20 Charlotte's Birthday
2000-06-26 Nana's Birthday
2000-08-12 Dave Harry Leaving
2000-08-19 Jane's Birthday Party
2000-08-22 Jane's Birthday
2000-10-07 John's Birthday
2000-10-14 Jenny's Birthday
2000-11-16 Jane's Graduation
2000-12-22 Present Party
2001-01-26 Caroline leaving
2001-03-01 Siobhan's brthday
2001-03-28 Alison's birthday
2001-04-01 Nic's birthday
2001-04-07 Steve's birthday
2001-04-15 Sally's birthday
2001-05-12 Closed shop BBQ
2001-06-07 Lulu's birthday
2001-07-08 Whirlies coming out party
2001-07-14 Lorraine's birthday
2001-12-18 Robyn's birthday
2001-12-25 Christmas parties
2001-12-31 New Year's Eve
2002-03-08 Pete and Bruno's meal
2002-04-01 Nic's birthday meal
2002-04-22 Sally Two Trees' birthday
2002-06-13 Ian's leaving
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